
Showing posts from May, 2021


  ALL ABOUT HEPATITIS AND ITS NATURAL TREATMENT There are home remedies to combat hepatitis disease. However, it is important to know that medical consultation is essential. Read till the end to discover more about hepatitis and BELL lifestyle natural treatment to get rid of the viral charge.   Click here to find out our natural treatment against hepatitis: definite cure Table of Contents ALL ABOUT HEPATITIS AND ITS NATURAL TREATMENT WHAT IS HEPATITIS SYMPTOMS  CAUSES Causes of infectious hepatitis  Causes of non-infectious hepatitis Alcohol and other toxins Autoimmune system response TYPES OF HEPATITIS BELL NATURAL TREATMENT THAT CLEARS THE HEPATITIS VIRUS: WHAT IS HEPATITIS Hepatitis means injury to the liver. It can also be said that Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver tissue. Bile is produced by the liver to help digest food and also remove toxins from the body. Hepatitis causes scarring in the liver thereby making it hard for the Bile to do its job. SYMPTOMS  Some people ha